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Welcome to the Sad Dads Club Podcast!  We are excited to bring this podcast to you and hopefully provide some entertainment, knowledge and laughs.  Not just in parenting but in life in general and in no particular order.  



New!  By popular demand we have finally put together the SDCP Gear Store with shirts, sweatshirts, stickers and even #WearTheMask face masks.  This is the best way to support the show!

Thank you!

Gym and Foo


Aug 29, 2019

Foo tells a story that's not to be missed.  It made Gym tear up with laughs.  Also included is a discussion about welding, college, dustless blasting, running apps used by Foo, Gym has his own story related to Foos, car shopping for replacement car and MORE!

Aug 23, 2019

Foo, Gym and the APC are joined by Mike in this week's show where we discuss some of our hardest days of parenting, driving is dangerous, car safety, teachable moments, Disneyland visit to Galaxy's Edge, Mike's stereo install... and more!

Aug 15, 2019

This week we talk about face tattoos and what's worse and tattoos in general, we have Ian in as a guest while wearing headlights for eyes, Some Disneyland chat regarding Galaxy's Edge and ticket prices, some car chat, Stranger Things and Season 3 wrap (Spoilers), and Dataz describe's his tooth things and dents things in...

Aug 8, 2019

Foo and Gym hash out some chat regarding Audio quality in podcasts, NERF footballs, Dads proclaiming irritation over the heat and worked week, annoyances with regards to finding the correct parts for things, the kids are starting school already, parental trust in your kids and more...

Aug 1, 2019

Join the guys as Foo looks for and reminisces about the spiral NERF footballs, Katy Perry gets brought up, recycling woes, doing jury duty, gamer prize money, Battlebots, Dataz ponders the reason why he didn't get hired and MORE!